I am NOT an SEO expert or a blog guru. But I am often asked about how I run my site and how to start a blog in general, particularly on social media.
So here is a list of recommended blogging resources that I’ve either personally used. Some are specifically geared toward food blogging, but most of them can work for any genre.
Please research in your particular genre more for my specialized tools and tips.
This page contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.
Also note, this page will continue to be updated as I add more (or take off)more tools, as the online world is constantly changing.
Blogging Platform(s)
If you are here, I am assuming you are wanting to blog for the purpose of generating income.
For that purpose, I highly recommend using Wordpress.org (read the difference between wordpress.org and wordpress.com), because it allows you to self host your website.
There are other open softwares like Joomla and Drupal, but Wordpress is built for blogging and is a lot more user friendly to use.
Read the Series: How to Become a Food Blogger in 2021 and beyond kw: How to Become a Food Blogger (coming soon )(even if you are NOT a food blogger, read this article if you are thinking about going into blogging as a business for important overall tips)
There are a number of hosting options recommended online. I currently use BigScoots Wordpress Optimized plan.
I caution against using hosting plans that are shared because while they are cheap and okay to use when you first start, you will eventually have to upgrade your plan.
Also I would not host with a company that does not specialized in hosting like companies that specialize in registering domains but offer hosting.
The great thing about BigScoots is that they can take care of Wordpress installation for you (unlike back in the day) if you do not want to do it yourself.
Get a good hosting plan from jump and save yourself the headache and trouble down the line.