Body Transformation

- The picture on the left, I weighed 165 pounds. I was a full-blow junk food, fast food, and meat eater. KFC and Jack N Box was my second home. I was also highly addicted to sweets. Not only that I was very depressed, lacked motivation, and had no physical energy.
- The middle picture, I weighed between 100 to 105 pounds. I started to clean up my diet, became what I like to call a "Plant Based Paleo" eater, eating a serving of meat only 3 times a week and NO carbs. My mental health got so much better because of the food I was consuming and I released a lot of weight. But I lost too much weight and lost my curves.
- The picture on the right is what I look like today. I am a full vegan. I go from 130 pounds to 140 pounds and loving my new curvy and fit figure! So yes you can live a vegan lifestyle and keep a curvy figure.
Healthy Body Image (My Personal Journey)

Growing up I've always struggled with body image issues I was born with a rare defect called amniotic band syndrome and what it does is the umbilical cord wraps around the fetus limbs causing a natural amputation and in my case it caused a natural amputation with my fingers and toes so growning up I already had this negative body image viewpoint about myself and as I got older it got even worse with social media and just a pressure to look a certain way
When I went vegan in a away, among other things, it help me become more body positive because the cleaner my diet got the more I was able to function better within this body that at first I thought was defective I had more energy and certain cramps and stuff that happen in my hands and foot went away...less inflammation. So I was able to function better physically. What makes a body healthy is not having a six pack or muscles what makes a body healthy is that your body is functioning to his Optimum level and a plant based vegan diet helps accomplishes that.
Be the Curvy Version of YOURSELF!

Body transformation is no different than transforming a career, finances, or relationships. Transformation is an internal process. It's much deeper and therapeutic than most people realize. It is important to NOT get caught up in thinking you have to look like everyone else. (That is actually kinda weird everyone with the exact same bodies ?). You can't hate yourself into a new body. Curves are relative to how YOUR body is shaped! Love who you are now as you seek to be grow into something else inside and out. Transformation in your body and in life takes strong purpose, consistency, discipline, sacrifice, and vision.⠀It's about being healthy and being the best version of YOU. Nothing wrong with wanting to improve your physique as long as you embrace improving YOUR physique instead of altering it to look like someone else. That is why my model is you have to be the CURVY VERSION OF YOURSELF.
So let us NOT try to all look alike but instead embrace our own unique curves which can be done through a healthy plant based diet and exercise. Yes you can build a butt with exercise. Yes you can gain healthy weight on a vegan diet. Yes you can transform and improve on your body. BUT you can NEVER look like anyone else and you should not seek that because you're YOU and that is enough. I can't look like you, and you can't look like me. We all have unique figures that should be embraced. Transform into the best version of YOUR body with a healthy calorie dense plant based diet a good weight lifting regimen. ⠀
Random Facts About Me
- I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. I'm an "Arch Vegan!"
- I have been blogging off and on since 2010 mainly as a "personal blogger."
- I am a poet. I wrote and self-published my first poetry book Flowers In December.
- I am a HUGE music lover and would love to record an album one day. (Bucket List Goals)