Don't panic; simply prepare. This Vegan Emergency Food Guide gives you tips on what to buy and how mentally thrive in a survival situation of any kind.

⏱Reading Time: 8 minutes
Well, 2020 sure has been interesting. Someone suggested on Facebook "have we considered unplugging this year for 10 seconds and plugging it back in" as a troubleshooting method.
LOL I happen to agree
With all the current events going on, survival is on everyone's mind. The best way to survive in a crisis is to be prepared but not to panic. Panicking is the worse thing you can do because when you are in a panic you make irrational decisions.
This vegan emergency food guide is good for all types of survival and emergency scenarios, not just the current one. I will break down the best types of foods to get for a self quarantined situation or natural disaster situation.
I'm NOT an expert and please note that this guide mainly focuses on FOOD. If you want a more comprehensive survival guide resource please read How to Build a Natural Disaster Kit.
Non-Perishable Foods
Non-Perishable foods are foods that require no refrigeration and can last on the shelf for an extremely long time. They are the best to have regardless of any emergency situation. Types of non-perishables include:
- Water: Typically the most overlooked food source. In an emergency situation, you can go a long time without food by fasting. Water is a level 1 as it's THE MOST important thing for your survival. Water doesn't expire.
- Canned Goods: These are level 2 as they are the second-best to have in an emergency. They have the longest shelf life of 1- 2 years and have the density to keep you satiated with virtually no preparation needed.
- Boxed/Packaged/Jar Goods: These are level 3 as these types of foods are either already prepared or require very little preparation They have a shelf life between 1 to 1.5 years. Again they have the density to keep you full for long periods of time.
- Dried Goods: These are level 4 as they have a longer shelf life however SOME require more preparation in order to be edible (excluding nuts and seeds). But once prepared, they are dense enough to keep you full. They have a shelf life between 4 months to 1 year.
Semi-Perishable Foods
Semi perishable foods are fruits and vegetables that have a shelf life for about 2 to 3 weeks. Some can keep you satiated but some also require preparation. Semi Perishables is a level 5 of emergency foods.
The most common type of foods in this category include...
- potatoes (sweet and white)
- sweet potatoes
- apples
- onions
- garlic
- winter squash (acorn, butternut, etc)
- un riped avocados
- vegan bakery goods (muffins, cakes, certain breads, etc)
Perishable Foods
Perishable foods are items that need to be refrigerated (refrigerator and freezer). They can't survive without some type of refrigeration. I would consider these types of foods level 6 and the least likely to have in a serious emergency situation. They will go bad if you don't have access to electricity.
- Length of Time: in the refrigerator 1 to 2 weeks and in the freezer up to 6 months typically depending on the item
- Vegan Examples: Cooked leftover meals (like meal prep dishes), some fruits and veggies, fermented items rich in probiotics
These are spices, oils, sugars, powders, dried herbs, and some condiments. While most things in this category have a long shelf life and are technically non-perishable, without food to add it too, it's almost useless (with the exception of dried herbs).
So now that we know the types of food items to get, let's get into the type of emergencies and specific lists you will need per each survival situation.
Self Quarantine Emergency Vegan Food List
Currently, we are in a situation where we might have to be self-quarantine for a length of time. You will want to buy food for a maximum of 3 weeks. Be rational and think about others. Don't panic and overbuy stuff!
Also, keep in mind in this type of emergency, you are likely to...
- have running water
- have electricity
With that in mind, there are things you should consider buying from each category. (You don't have to buy EVERYTHING on this list, just what you like).
Water (Level 1)
- water filter: because we have running water, I wouldn't suggest buying bottles of water. Save your money and buy a filter instead. They last for approximately 2 months.
Vegan Canned Goods (Level 2)
- manual can opener
- canned soups: Amy's or Trader Joes Vegetarian Chilli, lentil soup, vegetable soup, split pea soup
- canned beans: chickpeas, lentils, white beans, black beans, red beans, vegan refried beans
- canned vegetables: corn, heart of palm, peas, green beans, artichokes, banana blossoms, mushrooms, spinach, greens
- canned fruit (in liquid, NOT syrup where required): diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, olives, jackfruit, fruit cocktail, pineapples, peaches, pears
- canned coconut milk
Boxed/Packaged/Jar Goods (Level 3)
- nut butter: preferably peanut butter because it's the cheapest, almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter
- boxed soups: Lentil vegetable soup, butternut squash soup, tomato soup, carrot soup
- Koyo Brand ramen noodles
- semi-prepared food pouches: Quick Cook Lentil, Quinoa, and Brown Rice Blend, Spanish Style, Roasted Garlic style
- boxed shelf friendly plant-based milk: soy, almond, coconut, oat, rice
Dried Goods (Level 4)
- dried beans: chickpeas, lentils (red, brown and french), split peas (yellow and green), black beans, red beans, pinto beans, lima beans, TVP, soy curls, shelf friendly tofu
- dried grains: brown rice, white rice, quinoa, millet, wild rice, old fashioned oats, buckwheat oat groats, farro, kamut, spelt, quinoa flakes, cornmeal (white and/or yellow), breadcrumbs
- nuts and seeds: almonds, cashews, pine nuts, Brazil Nuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, pecans, hemp seeds
- flours: spelt flour, gluten-free all-purpose flour, chickpea flour, tapioca starch, arrowroot starch, sprouted wheat flour, vital wheat gluten, pre-mixed pancake, and cake mixes
- pasta: gluten-free pasta, Kamut pasta, spelt pasta, sprouted wheat pasta, rice noodles (all varieties like spaghetti, lasagna, penne, spiral, etc)
- cereals: granola, Kamut puffs, other cereal varieties you enjoy
- snacks: tortilla chips, potato chips, vegetable chips, trail mixes, granola bars, crackers, popcorn, pretzels, protein and energy bars (Larabars, Clif, etc)
Semi-Perishable Foods (Level 5)
- potatoes: sweet potatoes, white potatoes (store in a dark cool place for maximum shelf life
- apples: preferably the sour green apples
- oranges
- onions: red, yellow, white
- garlic cloves
- winter squash: acorn, butternut, spaghetti squash
- un riped avocados: buying some un riped will extend their shelf life
- vegan bakery goods: muffins, cakes, SOME bread (limit these items as they are not necessary or optimal for health)
Perishable Foods (Level 6)
- frozen produce: frozen fruit, frozen vegetables, frozen rice meals, frozen grains, frozen beans, vegan mock products ( like pizzas and nuggets; limit these as they are expensive), egg rolls, sprouted wheat bread, gluten-free bread
- fresh produce: a bunch of greens (for smoothies and salads great to boost your health and immune system; they can be frozen!), raw sauerkraut, cabbage, applesauce, pineapples, ginger root, turmeric root, lemons, limes
- vegan mock products: vegan cheeses, vegan deli meats, vegan mayo, vegan butter
- herbs: mullein leaf, elderberry, red raspberry, hibiscus, orange peel, lemon peel, valerian root
- supplements: hemp protein powder, green powers, herbal vitamin C, vegan vitamin D3, sea moss (read my sea moss gel article)
- oil and vinegar: apple cider vinegar, olive oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil
- sweeteners: organic cane sugar, dates, raisins, maple syrup, brown sugar, molasses
- spices/seasonings: sea salt, black pepper, turmeric, ginger powder, cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, broth cubes (I like Edward and Sons brand)
- shelf friendly condiments: salsa, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce
Natural Disaster Emergency Vegan Food List
If a natural disaster hits, you will need to focus more on foods where there is little to no preparation involved. You will also need to focus on supplies that have a very long shelf life as you won't know when things will be restored.
In a natural disaster, you are more likely to ...
- lack running water
- lack electricity
With that in mind, there are things you should consider buying from only particular categories.
Water (Level 1)
- store-bought bottled water or gallon water jugs
Vegan Canned Goods (Level 2)
- manual can opener
- canned soups: Amy's or Trader Joes Vegetarian Chilli, lentil soup, vegetable soup, split pea soup
- canned beans: chickpeas, lentils, white beans, black beans, red beans, vegan refried beans
- canned vegetables: corn, heart of palm, peas, green beans, artichokes, banana blossoms, mushrooms, spinach, greens
- canned fruit (in liquid, NOT syrup where required): diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, olives, jackfruit, fruit cocktail, pineapples, peaches, pears
- canned coconut milk
Boxed/Packaged/Jar Goods (Level 3)
- nut butter: preferably peanut butter because it's the cheapest, almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter
- boxed soups: Lentil vegetable soup, butternut squash soup, tomato soup, carrot soup
- boxed shelf friendly plant-based milk: soy, almond, coconut, oat, rice
Dried Goods (Level 4)
- dried beans: shelf friendly tofu
- nuts and seeds: almonds, cashews, pine nuts, Brazil Nuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts, pecans, hemp seeds
- cereals: granola, kamut puffs, other cereal varieties you enjoy
- snacks: tortilla chips, potato chips, vegetable chips, trail mixes, granola bars, crackers, popcorn, pretzels, protein and energy bars (Larabars, Clif, etc)
Semi-Perishable Foods (Level 5)
- apples: preferably the sour green apples
- oranges
- un riped avocados: buying some un riped will extend their shelf life
- vegan bakery goods: muffins, cakes, SOME bread (limit these items as they are not necessary or optimal for health)
- supplements: green powers, herbal vitamin C, vegan vitamin D3, elderberry syrup
- sweeteners: dates, raisins
Thriving in Survival Mode
Remember it's all about your mentality. Here are my top 5 ways to keep a strong mind through a survival situation.
- Remember everything is temporary. No matter how dire a situation is the only thing that is guaranteed in life is change! Things WILL change and that also means any perceived "bad" situation can't last forever.
- Gratitude is the ONLY attitude to have: Yes you are in survival. But you are alive. You have air in your lungs. You have ears to hear. You have eyes to see. You have legs to walk. You have a heart that still beats. As long as there is a breath in your body, that spirit has the stamina to keep going.
- Find abundance around you. One way I do this is to got outside on my front porch and see all the food around me. In Markus Rothkranz Wild Plants and Medicine Guide, it teaches you how you can NEVER run out of food as it literally grows in your back yard. That is the abundance I see and keep in my mind in the midst of scarcity.
- Use your imagination for good. Picture the best-case scenario. I'm not saying to expect the outcome to be as you pictured. In fact, it's best if you detached from the outcome having to be anything and instead act like a child. Play the "what-if game" and use your brain to picture things that make you smile. Even if it's a warming memory.
- Find Laughter: Some are annoyed by the recent flood of memes circulating social media but in times like these, laughter is exactly what is needed to keep your mind in a healthy state.
Remember, Prepare DON'T PANIC
Whether you are reading this while you are in an emergency situation or you are making self-sufficiency apart of your lifestyle, the best advice is to always be prepared. Some ways to do that include:
- During every grocery, trip purchase 1 or 2 extra canned goods and store it in a designated emergency supply area. Audit this area once a year to make sure the canned goods are still good. This is easier on your wallet and will save you from frenzy last-minute shopping.
- Keep your Immune System healthy as much as possible. Workout, make sure you are eating healthy most of the time and take your vitamins and mineral supplements.
- Always keep jugs of water. Remember water does not expire so always keep jugs stocked just in case.
- Learn how to grow food. Start with growing herbs. There are also beginner tutorials on YouTube.
- Learn how to forage. This Wild Foods and Medicine Guide is a GREAT resource. Remember, you can never run out of food as it's literally all around us.
I don't claim to be an expert at this stuff but hopefully, this guide bought you some much-needed peace and was helpful to you in some sort of way. ❤
Pretty Good, Guide
Gina Marie
Thank you! Glad you found it helpful!